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House Concerts


Life is busy. Noisy. A bit chaotic.
We know. We feel it too.
Sometimes it can feel like a struggle to just find a spare moment to sit and breathe a little bit. And after awhile ? We can start feeling disoriented; disconnected from ourselves, others, and God too.

One of our greatest passions is to be able to create a space where you can breathe deep and give yourself some room to just “be.”  We believe that music, friendship, stories, and scripture can do a beautiful thing for the soul and can help to reorient and reconnect a disoriented heart.

We  want to partner with you to create that kind of space for you and those closest to you. We want to come to YOUR house.

Heres how it works:

1. YOU 
GATHER  your close friends, family, small group etc. into the comfort of your home.
CREATE  a cozy space {indoor / outdoor / hot or cold drinks / snacks / Get friends to
 ENJOY  an evening of music, stories, scripture, and good company!

2. WE
     GATHER our guitars, make our way to your home, and set up for the evening!
{and if you have time for a meal or a coffee, its always a treat get
to spend some time with you too!}
CREATE  an evening that you will remember, filled with good music and stories,
scripture  and an invitation to rest and reorient your heart.
  ENJOY doing what we love and making new friends along the way!

Interested in inviting us over?
Send us an email through our bookings page.
{We will get back to you as soon as possible to collaborate on creating an evening to remember for you and those you gather into your home.}

For those of you who like the details: 

Cost – $250 min / evening (+ $10 per person after 25 people)
You know your guests best and what would work for covering the cost of the evening.
– Set ticket price ($10-$20 per person)
– Donation
– Up-front donation

Numbers – Its completely up to you how intimate you would like the evening! (Usually a good range is from 10-30 people.)

Space – House concerts can be done in small or large/indoor or outdoor spaces. There just needs to be enough space for seating, enough “stage” space for us + 2 guitars (and occasionally a small sound system), a snack or drink table, and a little corner for us to have a little merch table.

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